viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015


  • ·         1996: I was born in Linares`s hospital
  • ·         2001: My parents were divorce and I went lived my daddy
  • ·         2002: I went live with my mother but was only one year
  • ·         2005: we moved to linares city
  • ·         2010: I finish my school and I went to high school

·         2014: I was graduations of high school
·         2015. I was accepted at the university and I move to Santiago to start my university year. It was very difficult but it was necessary

·         2015. Was born my  pretty nephew 

National geografic website

Our Favorite Pet Instagram Accounts


 I chose this photo because i have a hedgehog  and is too cute, her name is Riza, so when i saw this photo i remembered her; and besides i will like travel to a place like the photo.

Resultado de imagen para aves del paraiso

It is one of the birds that are part of the calls bird of paradise, are very beautiful! just look at all its colors so bright and above all watch your feathers! They are awesome and wonderful. these birds live in Australia and nearby islands.

Resultado de imagen para beagles

This is my favorite picture, really i love the beatles i think they are so cute and pretty besides so friendly and frisky. They are the perfect dogs for the children and i hope  someday  have one or two... who knows?


  • This video can not be so impressive to some or to say many things or it very cute .. I caught my attention because one never much reported these things, the video is like the skeleton and muscles of a quepardo works .. .the fastest animal. I hope you like it

  • No prey in sight? No problem. With its super-powered hearing, the great gray owl can hunt rodents scurrying beneath a layer of snow two feet deep.This video is about animals with super powers, in this case the Buo, in addition to its impressive ability to turn his head in 270 °! nature is really very impressive.


    martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

     The last post: My favorite photograph 

    Hi everybody. Well, I choose this photograph because i was with my sister and was taken for my mother  this year, when my sister was still pregnant and i did not have classes because the college  was in stoppage so i was with them in Linares. Remember that was in the afternoon and we were at home, i really love this photo :3 because is her first pregnant is my first nephew! and the first grandson of my parents. We are very close, we are together even though my parents are divorced.

    Now my nephew was 4 months old and called Maximiliano, we love him! 

    martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

    Post 4 My favorite Gadget

     I think that my favorite gadget is my cell phone,  carry with me for all places; usually I go to Linares and the travell is long  and bored so i use it as entertainment.

    Resultado de imagen para cell phones
    Also used it every moment that I can to just be doing something :( 
    I principally use for read my books on pdf and listen my favorite music and i can talk with my friends.
    My cellphone is small and it isn`t latest but I like it anyway  because is easy to carrier.

    So, my life without my cellphone would be so bored and probably i`ll talk more with the others  persons or I won`t need glasess. XD

    lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015

    Post 3: Welcome to Australia!!

    Resultado de imagen para australia turismo

    Hi everybody! Today I´ll write about my favorite destiny to travell..someday. 
    I´ve always wanted to visit Australia, i like  animals that live there! and the landscape it´s so beautiful!!! and the beach is so fantastic for practice surfing.

    The most famous place of Australia is in Sydney and is The Opera House, build between 1959 and 1973. 

    Resultado de imagen para australia turismo

    Animals are other thing that make known Australia, they are so singular and do not exist in other part of the world; for you know who is the animal that never drink water? well, this animal is Koala and lives in Australia or .. smiling animal? right, this animal is Quokka; but i think than the most famous australian animal is the Kangaroo.

             Resultado de imagen para quokka smiling     Resultado de imagen para australia turismo

    Finally if i go to Australia i will visit all the famous places,eat all food, visit the animals and maybe do surfing.
    I hope live there and work as veterinary,learn all about those animals, maybe work at zoo or  some nature reserve.  I  HOPE MY DREAMS COME TRUE.

    Resultado de imagen para australia turismo


    Resultado de imagen para australia turismo

    martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

    My post number 2: My opinion

    -My opinion about: "SMART PHONES"

    Today  the smart phone are very important for everybody.. in reality all the people have smart phone especially the young. the smart phone are useful  and we help when we need call someone even when need see. what time is it...but all have the bad side and this is not exception.  now the people can`t live without her cell phone, in this case without smart phone.

    -About. "CLIMATE CHANGE"

    This is big problem because it affect us all.. mostly animals and human. we need change our mind and do something. maybe recycle, reduce the smog, create awarenes.

     -About: legalizing abortion

    I agree.. not completely because everybody merit live and we don`t be someone for kill them..but if the woman was rape it was the only exception. 

    martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

    Hi everybody!...this is my biography.

    My name is Katherine Debon Palacios Jaña, i was born on July 9, 1996 so i am 19 years old; I´m from Linares, VII region; It´s a beautiful city, very small but beautiful.
    I studied in many schools but Republica de Francia school was the most important to me, then i studied at Valentin Letelier High School.

    Now  i live in Santiago because i study Veterinary Medicine in Universidad de Chile, 

    I have one sister! she is Jeniffer Palacios, she had her first son: the little Maximiliano Reyes, he is so nice. 
    Do you know about my parents? Well, my parents are Alejandro Palacios  and Maria Eugenia Jaña, they are divorced since i was 5 years old.(not much to tell)
    I love read books!; My favorite bands are "The killers", "Bon Jovi"; "imagine dragons"  i also like "Brandon Flowers". I play the guitar.