martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

Post 4 My favorite Gadget

 I think that my favorite gadget is my cell phone,  carry with me for all places; usually I go to Linares and the travell is long  and bored so i use it as entertainment.

Resultado de imagen para cell phones
Also used it every moment that I can to just be doing something :( 
I principally use for read my books on pdf and listen my favorite music and i can talk with my friends.
My cellphone is small and it isn`t latest but I like it anyway  because is easy to carrier.

So, my life without my cellphone would be so bored and probably i`ll talk more with the others  persons or I won`t need glasess. XD

1 comentario:

  1. i hope read about someone who like something NO technologic, but its impossible :( i have too the same problems, long live to technology :D ajaja
